Other than “Will peel and stick wallpaper damage my walls?,” the other wallpaper question I receive the most is this one: “Can you put peel and stick wallpaper in the bathroom?” The first few times I received it, I figured readers were just covering their bases. But now that I’ve been asked so many times, I figured it was worth addressing “properly.” And so my answer is: of course you can put pull and stick wallpaper in the bathroom (at least in my experience)! But let’s chat about it some more…

Blue and gold celestial wallpaper as an accent wall in a bathroom

Yes, You Can Put Peel and Stick Wallpaper In a Bathroom

I tend to assume most things will work until they don’t, so I’ve actually never hesitated to put removable wallpaper in our bathrooms. To date, I’ve put vinyl wallpaper in 5 different bathroom spaces.

But if you consider how hot, steamy, and damp some bathrooms get, I can certainly understand the hesitation in installing wallpaper. After spending the time, effort, and money to hang peel and stick wallpaper, the last thing you want is to walk in for your morning shower and find it all on the floor.

While I can’t speak for every single bathroom or all brands of wallpaper, I can tell you this: I’ve never had wallpaper fall down (ever actually…in bathrooms or otherwise).

Based on my personal experience, the self-adhesive backing on wallpapers is exceptionally sticky. I genuinely don’t think the steam from the shower can sufficiently loosen the wallpaper adhesive. In all honesty, the wallpaper will be much more likely to peel the paint in a moist bathroom (upon removal) rather than fall down.

Further, I’ve never had wallpapers…when hung on the bathroom wall…become damaged, discolored, or even remotely wet.

(I realize that might be a strange statement. To be clear, the only time I’ve had wallpaper become wet and damaged in a bathroom was when I put it on the tile floor. In general, I don’t recommend it; but you can read about my experience here: Can You Put Peel and Stick Wallpaper on the Floor?)

Test It First

If you are particularly nervous about hanging wallpaper in a certain space (e.g., the bathroom) or using a particular brand, my best advice is to test it before you commit.

Hang a full panel in the bathroom, and then proceed to use the bathroom as you would normally for 1-2 weeks. Only then will you be able to tell if your wallpapering efforts will truly be worth it.

Why a full panel? Different brands of wallpaper have varying weights, texture, and degrees of stickiness. Hanging a full panel will be the best indicator if the weight/adhesive can withstand the bathroom humidity and moisture.

Even if you plan on testing your wallpaper first, I recommend buying the full amount of paper required all at once to ensure they are printed from the same lot. You can always return unopened rolls if you determine the wallpaper won’t work.

Ideas for Using Peel and Stick Wallpaper In the Bathroom

Love the idea of using peel and stick wallpaper in your bathroom but not sure where? Here is some great inspiration to consider!

On the Wall

The wall is the most obvious place to use wallpaper in a bathroom. Since bathrooms tend to be smaller, you won’t need as many rolls as a full room. Plus, bathrooms are often a great spot for bold patterns or saturated colors…papers you might not typically choose for big, prominent spaces.

Keep in mind though: bathrooms can have lots of unique “fixtures” that can be tricky to paper around (specifically the toilet, sink, windows, doors, outlet covers, trim). Taking your paper high (above such fixtures) like Abby does here or sticking to an accent wall can often be an easier installation option.

If you hang your wallpaper opposite a large mirror (like shown below), it’s like getting two walls for the price of one!

On the Ceiling

Putting wallpaper on a bathroom ceiling is a great way to add some color or pattern in a really whimsical way. Although it can be a total pain (in the neck!) to hang, you won’t need as much paper to make a statement, nor will you have to work around as many awkward fixtures (perhaps just a light, vent, or fan).

On the Floor

Wallpaper can seem like an appealing option for the bathroom floor, especially if you’re looking for a (really) cheap way to cover up ugly or damaged flooring. While I did not have good luck with “moisture resistant wallpaper” in a heavily-used kids’ bathroom with a shower, it could be an option in a powder room (where there are typically less splashes). Check out my best recommendations for making this work here: Can You Put Peel and Stick Wallpaper on the Floor?

Black and white peel and stick wallpaper on a floor in bathroom

As Drawer/Shelf Liner

Very few things in our home(s) make me happier than opening a closet, cabinet, or drawer to see a pop of pattern! These days, “shelf liners” rarely come in fun patterns or colors, so I often use peel and stick wallpapers instead.

If you’re just too nervous about putting wallpaper on your bathroom walls, this can be an excellent alternative (and this too has easy removal, just as it would coming off the walls).

Cheat It

Lastly, you might really want the look of wallpaper in your bathroom, but you’re just not up for the cost, effort, or gamble if it will work.

In this case, decals can be an excellent option! Not only are decals (that you place one-by-one) easier to manipulate behind toilets, sinks, and other fixtures, but you can use them to create your own wallpaper-like pattern, like I did in our master bathroom.

Love the concept of decals but can’t find any you love? Using a simple stencil with paint is another great way to get a fun bathroom wall design without actually applying strips of wallpaper!

If you’ve been wanting to hang peel and stick wallpaper in your bathroom but have worried about high humidity, mildew, ventilation, mold, or durability, I urge you to go ahead and try it. Not only do I think pattern in a bathroom is a super chic style statement, but I also see it as a low-cost, low-commitment way to incorporate colors and patterns you’re too scared to use otherwise. If you’re really nervous about the wallpaper staying up, testing it will ultimately give you the confidence you need to finally go for it!

See You Soon!