My Number One Organizing Secret! (and 70+ Storage Ideas Using Baskets!)
It’s no secret that I love to organize. I love taking on a room, closet, or drawer and emptying it out, item by item, and then slowly and methodically putting it all back together in a more logical and functional manner. In my very own home (and in every friends’, clients’, or family members’ home that I’ve worked in), time and time again I rely on one tried-and-true organizing secret: put it (whatever it is) in its own designated bin, basket or container. As I look around my house, it’s almost alarming how many bins, baskets and containers we own. But the reason I keep scooping these organizing essentials up is because they work. They work for adults and kids; they work for everything from office supplies to tools; and they work in every single room of the house. Today, we’re going room by room, and I’m going to show you over 70+ storage ideas using baskets and bins to keep your home tidy!
Before I dive into the storage ideas using baskets, let me quickly chat about why I love using bins and baskets so much and why they work so well!
- Variety – You can buy bins/baskets in almost any finish, size, and style you can think of; and with sufficient research, you will be able to find the perfect container for any shelf, nook, cubby, or spot. (TIP! Always keep shelf/cubby measurements in your purse because you never know when you might stumble upon the perfect-fitting solution!)
- Versatile – Almost anything can be tossed into a container. From small things such as craft supplies and LEGOs, to big things like shoes and toy trucks…bins are something that can be moved from room to room and used in endless ways.
- User-Friendly – Anyone can throw things into a basket…even my 4 year old. (TIP! Some sort of label system ensures the right things end up in the right bins.)
- Increase Usable Space – Large open shelves and/or cabinets not only look cluttered and disorderly when items are just piled up; but it’s also difficult to use up all the space you have if things are falling all over the place. Using baskets, even on open shelving, allows you to use every inch there is.
- Simple Clean Up – I like a tidy home…it’s just who I am. But I don’t like to spend forever cleaning up. With designated bins and baskets for most loose items in our home, not only does everything have a place, but putting everything away takes minutes. You better bet that inside all of our bins and baskets is controlled chaos, but at least things are corralled and easy to find.
- Reduce Bulk – I get rid of bulky or flimsy packaging whenever I can. Cardboard food boxes, game boxes, craft supply packaging…it all gets thrown out and the items get loaded into permanent, designated containers. Getting rid of cardboard packaging also keeps things looking less cluttered and makes more room for storing everything you need.
- A Place for Junk! Not everything that comes into your home will have a perfect and logical home. There are just some things that need to get stuffed somewhere just to get it off the kitchen table. We have designated junk baskets and drawers in various spots throughout the home. If we can’t find what we’re looking for, chances are high it was tucked into one of our junk landing zones!
Okay – are you ready to see 70+ storage ideas using baskets to organize your home? Just click each picture to see the solution in more detail. And…yep, every single of one these images if from one of our 8 homes – and I actually didn’t include every single basket system we’ve employed. Not sure if I’m proud or embarrassed by that! 😜
In the Entryway
- North Carolina Foyer 1
- North Carolina Foyer 2
- Front Hall Closet
In the Playroom
- Image-Labeled Toys Bins
- Pieces
- Puzzles
- Small Games
- Coloring Supplies
- Trains
In the Kitchen
- Pantry Shelves
- Cooking Liquids
- Plastic Food Storage
- Spices
- Freezer
- Cleaning Supplies
- Cleaning Supplies
In the Craft Room
- Wrapping Paper
In the Bathrooms
- Toilet Paper
- Wall-Mounted Toiletries
In the Laundry Room or Linen Closet
- Detergent
- Laundry Supplies
- Laundry Baskets
- Extra Storage
- Power Cords
- First Aid Supplies
- Table Linens
- Laundry Supplies
In Bedrooms & Nurseries
- Shoes
- Sweaters
- Outgrown/Donated Clothes
- Baby Clothes By Size
- Baby Items
- Nursing Supplies
- Baby Toys
- Plants & Glasses
- Laundry
Storage Ideas Using Baskets: In the Garage or Storage Space
- Tools & Supplies
- Recycling
- Holiday Decor
Storage Ideas Using Baskets: Inside Closets
- Front Hall Closet
- Back of Closet Door
- Nursery Built-In Inside Closet
- Nursery Closet
- Linen Closet
- Craft Room Closet
Storage Ideas Using Baskets: Inside Drawers
- Hygiene Supplies
- Toiletries
Wow, right? So many possibilities! I could actually keep going. There’s a few good ones I didn’t get to…like the countertop box we use to catch coupons and receipts…a basket right inside the door for Henry to put all his shoes in as he walks in the door…the snap-tight boxes we use for all our snacks and cereals! My husband says I’ve never met a basket I didn’t like – I’m starting to see why he teases me!
So…are you a basket/bin/container user? If you are, I’d love to hear your favorite bin/basket uses. If not, I hope I gave you 70+ reasons for giving them a try and/or 70+ ideas for using them more effectively! I promise, they are worth the investment and will make your home a tidier place indeed!
16 Comments on “My Number One Organizing Secret! (and 70+ Storage Ideas Using Baskets!)”
I loved seeing all your organizing bins! I too am a basket case. (You see what I did there?) Anyway, my house isn't nearly as organized as I would like, but I'm getting there. I took our "junk cabinet" that was a danger to open and in about 20 minutes with 5 Rubbermaid bins, I was able to get it all under control. I would even go visit my newly organized cabinet a couple of times a day just to bask in its loveliness. Thanks for sharing all your tips, and I can't wait to sew up some see-thru fabric sacks of my very own.
Wow those are ALOT of ways to use baskets & Bins, and some great ideas 🙂 Some I may have to keep for the future!
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Lauren | LB Designs
You are so right with this one, baskets/bins are the best way to organize! I must admit that I´m a basket-lover too :). I try to search for non plastic ones, because I like natural elements. I just hope we would have a better selection here in Finland.
Thanks for sharing
Make sure to make a husband basket! 😉
Hi uour ideas are great I also love bins for organizing
Have a nice weekend
Great organisation! I wish I could say I am as organised but I can’t… I hope to be one day, if only I could get my darling husband to put things back in there place. Instead he likes to “keep things handy”. Great inspiration, thanks. Where did you get you fabric sacks for tiny toys? I could use a few of those!
Hello Julie!
Thanks for leaving a comment over on the blog! Yes, husbands tend to make keeping the house tidy a bit more challenging…mine is no exception 😉
The tiny toy bags are a DIY! You can find the post here:
Hope that helps and Happy Sunday!
I love, love, LOVE all your basket organization! I’m relatively new to the basket game, but I’m coming right along! I bought some of the white plastic ones you have in your linen closet & for your table linens, but I cannot for the life of me remember where I purchased them! Could you tell me where to find them again? Thanks so much! 😀
Hi there!!!!
I’m pretty sure you mean these from Target?? They are my fav and I use them everywhere! 😂
Hope that helps!Megan
I have organized my linens with those same baskets. I got mine at Bed Bath and Beyond.
It has been recommended to try The Container Store also.
What about the wire ones on the back of the closet door? Those would be handy and i have not seen anything like that?
You are so ambitious and all of your homes look great. It is very impressive how you are able to do all of the decorating, organizing that you do!!!
Great ideas, thanks! I know you use Cricut to make labels these days; do you have a recommendation for a label maker that worked well for you before Cricut days??
Hi Elle!
I recently wrote this post:
It has a lot of my favorite supplies, including my label maker, favorite papers, etc!
Hope that helps!
Oohhh I wish I had someone with your spunk, skills and styles near me. We moved to our home 5 years ago from a home of 30 years and 9 hours away. I’m 70 years old and have lupus, fibromyalgia and lots of etc’s. I still have a lot of boxes to go through especially my craft room. I love your ideals, suggestions and inspiration. Keep up your beautiful work.
Hi EdnaRose!
Thank you so much for leaving such a kind comment! I am so glad you find my posts inspiring and helpful! Good luck with those craft supplies!
I love them too! The trick is getting the rest of the family to use them. I don’t have nearly as many as you do, but I do have a lot of them. I don’t have any new ideas, I think you covered them! Although, I keep my spices in metal baskets so I don’t have to pull everthing out to find something in the back of the cabinet. I have a small kitchen, so baskets and bins are my friend!
Love everything you organized, but need help with storage of Drapes and curtains, I have them in totes but it very bulky and take a lot of space , is there any ideas you can offer to get me stop worrying about this matter, your smallest help Will greatly appreciate