(Yet Another) Front Porch Update!!
One thing I have been doing a lot of lately, while waiting for paint to dry or hardware to arrive or inspiration to strike, has been tweaking. I’ve been doing a lot of futzing and tweaking of this little house of ours’ because, as I’ve mentioned a few times, it’s mostly done. I say mostly because all of the big projects and room makeovers are complete…there are just a few little areas that I can’t seem to get quite right…quite right enough to proclaim a space “done” (and get it photographed and up here for you to see!) But because we are facing another move within the next 6-9 months (how is it time to be moving again already?!?), I’m feeling the need to get these spaces done…like, for real done. And while I am the type that could and will futz forever, I’m in a (mental) place where I’d like to relax and enjoy all my hard work for these last few months we are here! After all, I’ll be setting up the next house before I know it!!
Once space that I just finally proclaimed “done” is outside. Some of you long-time readers might be chuckling to yourself because I feel like I have proclaimed our front porch “done” at least 3 or 4 times now. However, each time I’ve said it’s “done,” it has been very “seasonal” – as in, decorated for Fall or Summer or Christmas etc. I haven’t been able to land on a porch setup that feels complete, comfortable, usable, and most importantly: suitable year round. During our big house purge this summer, I got rid of a lot of excess furniture and accessories that we just don’t need…and after moving some things around, tweaking and futzing some more…I feel like we finally (2+ years later) have our year-round porch setup! Come on down our front walk, let me show you!
When we first moved here, we bought these oh-so-durable and wonderful poly-wood chairs from a local store. We love everything about them (their durability and fade-resistance), but instead of putting them on our porch, we put them out in the yard by our fire pit. Well…they never got used out there, so after I sold off a bunch of our other porch furniture, I hauled them up by the front window. I love the splash of color on our porch, and now they get a lot more use!
The lanterns have been out here for a while, but I brought the tiled planter back outside (where it should have gone in the first place because it’s so fantastic with those chairs, especially in the sunlight!) I have been searching and searching for a suitable table for between the chairs for a while now. I wanted something durable, modern, inexpensive and compatible with the lounge chairs. As soon as I stumbled upon THIS table from Target, I knew it was the one!
The pillows are made from a yard of Sunbrella fabric that I bought with my Mom last summer (sniff). It was expensive fabric, but I loved it so much I couldn’t resist. I originally made these pillows for our couch, but they proved too busy with everything else I had going on in our living room…so they got tucked away. Again, through a process of futzing and tweaking, I dug these out to try them on the turquoise chairs, and I instantly loved them. They haven’t moved since!
One thing I am most excited about is the addition of a sleek, chic wooden monogram for our front door. Here’s the deal – I have a hard time with wreaths. I’ve said it probably a dozen times here on the blog. I struggle making them, and I have a hard time remembering to switch them out (case in point: before I put this up a few weeks ago, my July 4th wreath was still up). I don’t know why – it’s my decorating Achilles’ heel apparently! Recognizing that I am just not a wreath person, I really wanted something I could keep up year round that felt simple and modern.
Around here, a lot of people have the scrolly/script wooden letters on their front door. They are lovely, but just not me. And more so…a script “D” never looks like a “D”…so I went on a hunt to find something similar but more in my style. I first came upon this modern monogram from PB Teen – but oh the prices! So…I scoured Etsy, and lo and behold, I found a wonderful solution! I ordered THIS monogram from HERE. Although the wait was a bit long, I am thrilled with the final result and highly recommend this shop. The monogram came un-finished and I could paint it any color I wanted. I have a feeling it will see many coats of paint as the years march on! (By the way, not a sponsored product/post….just sharing my two cents 🙂
For the past two years, I’ve used the transition to Fall as an excuse to clean up our garden and plant some new plants – and I usually show you those updates here on the blog. This year, I am calling “mercy” to our deer, who eat everything and anything planted in the ground. I just don’t have the patience and money to put more plants in the ground that will become dinner to our nightly visitors. So…our garden looks a little unkept this year….and I’m actually okay with that!
However, there are three new additions to our garden that I do want to show you! Twelve years ago, my abundantly (and seemingly limitlessly) talented mother made a whole slew of mosaic garden stones, most of which lived her in her garden until this past summer when my family and I dug them all out and divvied them up among us. I got to bring home the ladybug, the butterfly and the frog. These stones are such a vivid memory of the house I grew up in and my Mom, and I am so excited to have these in our garden now! Aren’t they awesome!!!
So, that’s one more space that I can check off the list, stop futzing and tweaking, and call “done!” And I really mean it this time. I had to laugh when I went back through all my pictures and saw all the various looks and setups this porch has seen over the past two years. Next week, I will do my final porch recap post so you can see its full evolution in one spot – my neighbors must really think I am nuts!
I hope you all have a great start to your week. I’m in full-on Halloween costume-making mode (among other things!) and getting our house and our family ready for something really exciting that’s about to happen! I’ll be back later this week with an unexpected update to one of my favorite furniture makeovers in the house (that is if I can get it done!)
4 Comments on “(Yet Another) Front Porch Update!!”
I, for one, never thought you were nuts… just an inspiration to get my stuff together and try to make my house look a quarter as cute as yours! These pictures make me miss NC living so much… My poor bare little house next to yours… so sad! At least the boxwoods don't look to be doing terribly (in your picture at least). Hope all is well 🙂
Love your monogram on the front door. Like you, I never liked wreaths and periodically would hang a small wall quilt on my front door. However, since I don't use the front door, the wall hanging never gets changed out and the Fourth of July art quilt was just removed. Sigh. And I so love those garden stones. What a lovely memory of a special person.
Love, love your monogrammed front door. Nobody has this around here. Love the porch. The blue chairs make your porch so beautiful!! Love the garden stones too!!
I love it.