The Pros & Cons of Online Grocery Shopping
Many of you long-time readers know that one of my biggest organization “passions” is meal planning. I’m not entirely sure why, but for years I have been on a never-ending quest to streamline our meal planning and shopping as much as possible, constantly trying new services and systems to cut time and effort wherever I can. Well…after tons of trial and error, I’m thrilled to report I might have finally found my panacea for making grocery shopping truly easy and efficient. If you can believe it, I’ve stepped into a grocery store just a dozen or so times in the last 9 months (seriously!!!), and that’s because I’ve fully converted to online grocery shopping. I’m beyond smitten with our new routine, and I don’t know if I will ever go back to conventional grocery shopping again. Today, I want to break down how I shop for our family’s groceries online and chat about the pros and cons to consider if you want to try it too!
PS. This post is NOT sponsored by Walmart or Amazon. I’m just sharing my honest and real opinions and experiences so you might benefit from quicker and easier grocery shopping too!
What I Use
As I’ve mentioned multiple times, grocery shopping is pretty much my least favorite household responsibility of all. From the moment I start planning our meals and compiling our list until the groceries are shopped for, loaded, and put away, the process is just plain long, exhausting, and exasperating to me. When Greg first left on deployment last Fall and I was embarking on 9 months of being a single parent, I was looking for any way to eliminate stress and make our lives easier. A lot of families in our neighborhood used Amazon Fresh, so I decided to give it a try. After planning out our meals and building my grocery list in my normal way, I logged onto our Amazon account and filled my cart with everything we needed. The next morning I opened my door, and all my groceries were sitting on the front step waiting for me…perfectly packaged to ensure nothing spoiled or crumpled. All I had to do was bring the bags in and put my groceries away.
As much as I loved opening my front door and finding my groceries waiting for me, there were a few aspects of Amazon’s service I just couldn’t get over. For one, they often didn’t have some of my usual items available. So more often than not, I found myself going without, making substitutions I wasn’t thrilled about, or running to a store to grab the items myself. I also had a bit of a hard time with the excessive prices. I certainly loved the convenience of grocery delivery, but not at the cost of a significantly increased food bill. Finally…and this was the biggest thing of all for me…the amount of packaging and trash was excessive. Amazon does a beautiful job of packaging their groceries. The dry foods were packed just right so that nothing was crushed, and the cold foods came with cool packs and dry ice. While effective and impressive, as I broke it all down and tried to figure out what to do with everything, the amount of waste…on top of the increased prices…was hard to justify as a regular, long-term solution.
I was just about to switch back to regular ol’ grocery shopping when my girlfriend said she used Walmart Online Grocery. I’ll be honest…Walmart is not my favorite place to shop, and I was seriously skeptical of everything from the service and selection to food quality and prices. Still…she raved about it, and I was curious, so I gave it a try too. 9 months later, it’s pretty much my favorite thing ever, and now I’m raving about it too.
How It Works
There are a few differences between Amazon Fresh and Walmart Online Grocery, but the main difference (from a usability standpoint) is how you actually get your groceries. With Amazon, they are delivered to your doorstep. With Walmart, you have to go get them. But if someone else is going to get all my groceries, bag them up, and load them into the car for me…for free…I can handle going to pick them up. Here’s how it works.
I plan out our weekly meal plan and fill out our grocery list just like I would if I was going to a grocery store. Instead of getting in the car though, I sit down at the computer and bring up the Walmart Online Grocery page. (Note – I could shop from the Walmart Grocery app, but I like to do it from the computer.)
I first make sure my local store is selected, and then I choose a specific time window when I want to pick up my groceries. Time slot availability certainly changes with the seasons/holidays and how much staff Walmart has on hand; but these days, I can almost always get a same-day pickup window. I usually place my order on Sunday morning and can pick it up between 4-5pm that evening. There are 12 time slots a day, running from 8am – 8pm; and you can reserve a slot 7 days in advance (if you’re really on the ball!)
With a time slot selected, I have about an hour to fill my cart and checkout. After that time, the time slot is usually released and you have to pick another one that is available (which is why I don’t usually log on until my list is planned out). To fill the “virtual” cart, you can use the search bar to look for specific foods, or (if you’re a regular shopper), you can shop directly from Favorites to fill your cart with the things you normally/often buy. Very easily, you can compare prices, increase/decrease quantities, remove items from your cart, etc. Once I’m done shopping (which usually takes about 10 minutes), I pay via credit card and submit my order.
Once my order is filled and ready for pickup (which is almost always about 30 minutes before my scheduled time slot), I receive a text and an email saying my order is ready. I “Check In” (via the app or by calling) to let them know I am on the way. Once at Walmart, I drive to the designated pickup spots and alert them I have arrived. Typically within minutes, a Walmart employee emerges with my order. They review any substitutions (all of which I can accept or deny), and load up my car. I sign that I received the order and drive away with my grocery shopping complete and my sanity in tact!
Pros of Online Grocery Shopping
There are many, many things I like about using online grocery shopping…especially from Walmart. Here are some of the main pros!
- Ultimate convenience. I love that I can sit down anytime, anywhere and place our grocery order. I’ve fallen into a good Sunday morning routine because that works for us, but I could also do it bright and early or late at night from the couch in my PJs, or sitting on the porch while the kids are riding bikes. And just as I can place an order whenever it works for me, I can also pickup when it works best for me. For a while, we were picking up groceries on the way home from church. Now, one of us usually goes and grabs them while we’re finishing up our Sunday chores like laundry and house cleanup.
- Walmart is everywhere. Unlike other grocery stores that offer pickup, Walmart is (pretty much) everywhere. By using the zip code locator, you can find any store that has Online Grocery Pickup near you. When I was traveling over the holidays, I put in an order at my sister’s local Walmart. I selected everything and I paid for it, but she picked it up. When we arrived late at night, all of our items were waiting for us, meaning I didn’t have to travel with our favorite snacks, diapers and other essentials or run to the store the minute we arrived!
- No more dragging kids through the grocery store. Need I say more?
- Substitutions. It is inevitable that something you order isn’t in stock by the time the employees get around to picking your order. In these circumstances, they will usually substitute another product for the item you requested. It’s been my experience that they usually substitute with similar flavor (instead of brand or count); and most of the substitutions are in line with what I would choose if I were standing in the aisle myself.
- Price adjustments. Let’s say I order a gallon of milk for $4. If Walmart doesn’t have the gallon available, they will likely substitute 2 half-gallon cartons. If those cartons cost $2.50 each (for a total of $5), Walmart will honor the $4 I intended to pay for the gallon. Seriously. And they do this all the time. Just this past weekend I got a 24 oz clamshell of blueberries for the 10 oz price because that’s all they had left!
- Selection. Walmart seems to carry almost everything I normally shop for. I have yet to come across a product or brand they don’t carry. Sure, items might be out of stock from time-to-time. But in general, their selection is vast and comprehensive!
- You can reject anything. In the instance that the substitution they pick isn’t what you want or had in mind, you don’t have to take it. Likewise, if the produce they selected doesn’t live up to your standards or you simply ordered the wrong thing, you can reject any item when you pick it all up and they immediately take it off your bill.
- Produce. Speaking of produce, I’ve heard people say “I don’t trust anyone to pick out my produce!” Admittedly, I am not super picky about our produce, but everything that has been picked for us has been excellent. We’ve never gotten a bag full of bruised applies or mushy peppers. In my experience, the produce quality picked for me is just as good as what I’d pick for myself.
- Reduces duplicates in your kitchen. This just might be one of my favorite aspects of all: shopping online really allows me to make sure that I not only have everything I need for the week, but it also prevents me from buying duplicates I don’t need. “Hmmm….are we out of mustard? Let me go check! No, we have mustard, I don’t need that this time around!” Being able to walk around the house and check for staple items before I buy them has truly made our shopping more efficient and budget-friendly!
- Price comparisons. When I shop in “real life,” I don’t always take the time to compare unit prices. However, online grocery shopping makes comparison shopping so quick and easy that I find myself doing it more. At a glance, I am able to see which product is the better bargain!
- No impulse shopping. If you’re not walking past the bakery with fresh bread or cookies, it’s harder to throw those items into your cart. Likewise with any foods/items you don’t want or need to be buying. By ordering online, you aren’t exposed to fancy displays and alluring promotions; and having a single snapshot of your cart allows you to really evaluate what you’re buying before checking out. Removing items from your cart is as simple as a click, rather than having to walk items back to where you found them.
- Forgot something? If you genuinely forgot something after your order has been submitted, hope is not lost! You usually have a few hours to edit your order before it’s picked!
- Quicker. This probably goes without saying but online grocery shopping is so much faster than traditional shopping. I have found our weekends go by so much smoother and our chores get done so much faster when I am not spending precious time hauling myself (and my kids!) through the grocery store. While the Walmart staff is picking out and bagging up my groceries, I can be busy doing other (often more fun!) things!
- No more exhaustion. Think about how many times you touch each item during traditional grocery shopping: take item off the shelf and put into the cart | take item out of the cart onto the conveyor belt | (sometimes) move items into bags | move bags into your cart | move bags into the car | move bags into the home | unload each item | put each item away. It’s exhausting! With online shopping, by the time I get home to put my groceries away, I am touching/lifting the items for the very first time. Using online shopping has eliminated the exhaustion factor for me.
- It’s Free. Yup. Free. Seriously. I don’t have to physically shop for or load my groceries, and I don’t pay a single penny to have it done for me.
Cons of Online Grocery Shopping
All that said, online grocery shopping isn’t perfect. Here are some cons to think about as well!
- Not getting exactly what you want/need. On occasion, the substitution the Walmart staff chooses is not exactly what I would choose for myself…OR…sometimes a product is completely out and no substitution can be made. In these instances, I am simply left without the item(s) for the week. In the case of a snack or treat, I just forget about it and order it again the following week. But if it’s an item I need for a specific recipe or occasion, I will have to get it somehow…which usually involves another trip to another store. I hate going to more than one store to grocery shop, so unless it’s something like milk or diapers, I usually find a way to work around the missing item!
- Timeframe availability. Every now and then, I will log on and not be able to get my “usual” pickup time. While this is certainly annoying, there are usually many other time slots that will also work for me. If you like to get your grocery shopping done in a very specific window each week, you will have to learn when exactly you need to place your order in order to guarantee that time slot. Otherwise, you’ll have to be flexible in your planning!
- System glitches. In 9 months of using Walmart’s Online Grocery, I’ve experienced 2 system glitches. And as you can imagine, when an online shopping system goes down, there is no way for the staff to fulfill orders. In these cases, it has been inconvenient and annoying, but the staff has gone above and beyond to notify me and/or make things right (usually in the form of store credit).
- Hot and fresh items. At our Walmart at least, you cannot order items from the hot/deli counters, including rotisserie chickens. I personally don’t buy these types of food so it’s not something that impacts me. But it’s something to consider if you rely on these foods regularly.
- Pay attention to sizes. When you are standing in a store, you can see how big or small an item is. But when you are ordering online the pictures may not indicate size and/or the listed size may not be helpful to you. When I first started ordering my groceries online, I had a few occasions when the item I got was significantly smaller than what I thought I ordered. After a few times, I learned how to pay attention to serving size and note how many pounds/ounces of meet I require to feed our family.
- Order minimums. I am not sure about other stores and services, but Walmart has a $30 minimum order to take advantage of the free pickup. Since I only shop once/week, I can easily meet this requirement. However, if you shop more frequently or just need a few things, this option may not be available to you.
- You have to pick it up. When I first explained to Greg that I had switched from Amazon to Walmart, his response was “But now you have to go pick it up.” Yes – that’s true. But I found picking up our groceries…usually when I’m out running errands or coming home from something…far outweighs the extra cost/packaging Amazon incurred by delivering them instead. At this time, as far as I’m aware, Walmart doesn’t have a delivery option, so yes…you have to go get your groceries yourself.
- Coupons. I don’t use coupons so I can’t talk educatedly on this point, but from what I can tell (based on some minimal research), you can’t use coupons or gift cards on online grocery orders. Whomp.
Phew! I didn’t realize I had SO much to say about online grocery ordering. But honestly friends, using Walmart Online Grocery has completely changed the way I plan and shop for our groceries…all for the better. What was once one of the biggest stressors and time-sucks of my week has become something I hardly think about or dread. And I just can’t get over this easier and more-efficient way to get our kitchen stocked! I don’t think I will ever go back to conventional grocery shopping again!
So tell me….have you tried online grocery shopping? Do you love it? What were some of your pros and cons? Which store/service do you use or like the most? If you haven’t tried online grocery shopping yet, consider this your little push to try it just once. I promise…it might change your life!
P.S. Love my kitchen printables? Learn more here!
25 Comments on “The Pros & Cons of Online Grocery Shopping”
The Walmart in the next town over just started offering this service (ours doesn’t yet). I LOVE IT!!! I keep waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under me, because it just feels too good to be true. But what was a 2+ hour chore every week takes less than 30 minutes round trip! So worth it to me. And I think any loss by not using coupons is probably compensated many times over just from your listed Pro #11–impulse shopping. You had some pros I hadn’t thought of yet, so thanks for those tips, too!
Megan, thanks for your review! I have considered Walmart pickup many times and this might push me over the edge! My biggest problem is of the whole process, shopping with a list is my favorite part (making the list ie coming up with meals is my least favorite!) I shop regularly at Aldi and I find their limited selection is able to cover 90% of what I need but significantly reduce decision fatigue for me, making it an enjoyable experience! I do hit Walmart about once a month for all the things not covered, so I might have to try this approach. It’s usually a last minute trip though, so I’ll need to be more diligent about planning ahead! Thanks again for a peek into a system that works for you!
Thanks so much for this very helpful review. I didn’t even realize the Walmart service existed. I’ll definitely have to try it. It seems like they should let you pick your time slot after you’ve selected your items; maybe they’ll fix that.
Darn, I hit a snag on my first item. The selection of Blue Bell ice cream is limited to vanilla or rocky road, and I know they have more flavors than that.
Yes!! I LOVE Walmart Grocery. I usually place my order Sunday night, then pick it up on my way home from work on Monday. I love that it’s free and you don’t have to worry about tipping/not tipping because the employees aren’t allowed to accept tips. Also, they are doing grocery delivery in test markets right now, so I’m guessing that will be rolling out in the next few years ; )
So I haven’t actually ordered, but I did use this when planning out food for our spring break trip. I was able to get on and figure out how much the trip would cost me in food. So that’s another plus, if you aren’t comfortable using your card info to order the stuff at least you know how much you will spend! I told my hubby I wanted to use this service and he said how lazy are you. 😀 Thanks for such an in-depth review!
Can you please talk about bags? You have a picture of a reusable bag, but I assume with pickup they just use the disposable ones, right? Thanks, I really appreciate this review.
Hi Sarah!
There are actually bag options! Walmart will bag your groceries for you in their bags, you can bring your own bags and they will bag them up on the spot, or you can load items right into your car without bags. I’ve used all three options on occasion. Here in CA, we have to pay $0.10/bag, so there is a little box at checkout that says “I want my items bagged and I agree to pay the fee.” I usually wave the bagging option and have them load my groceries into my reusable bags or right into my trunk (usually bigger items).
Hope that helps!
Megan, I love online grocery shopping. We are fortunate to have Hy-Ve here and they deliver. I was very ill for over two years and it was a blessing to my groceries delivered and brought into my house for me. I chose not to receive substitutions because I am picky about the brands I use. I had congestive heart failure so all of my choices had to be low sodium.
Hy-Ve has a minimum delivery order of $100 to avoid the $4.95 charge but I usually hit the mark. If an item is out of stock and my order amount drops below $100 they will not charge me. I get to shop from my sofa, comparison shop, pick my delivery day and time. It basically saved my life. I’m still using it while recovering from my heart transplant, but in the future I’ll be able to go myself or order for pick-up!
I have to say that I avoid Walmart because of how poorly they treat their employees. Most of the full timers still have to use SNAP and can’t afford insurance while the Walton family takes in millions of profit along with their new tax break. This is a personal decision on my part so I don’t begrudge anyone one who needs to shop there.
Thanks Megan for all of your fun and creative ideas. I’m regularly exclaiming “Well DUH”!!
I forgot to mention they also give you an option for paper or plastic bags I choose paper and use them for collecting my recyclables.
I have used Whole Foods delivery when coming back from travels. That way, I can head straight home from the airport and get my groceries delivered. (Especially great since I don’t have a car.) The few times I tried, I wasn’t completely happy with the substitutes they used when my choice wasn’t available. But thay was probably more my fault than anything. They do give you the option of chosing which substitutes you would accept in advance. I like thay Walmart allows you to refuse, that isn’t possible with delivery. In general, I prefer to do my own shopping, but I like that I can delegate the task if it is more practical.
I’m not in the US but we have a similar system with one of the hugest chain stores, except here it is brought by a courier directly to your door. The selection is enormous, they’re hardly ever out of stock, and you get to choose a 2hr interval when the groceries will be delivered. I usually get all my canned veggies, snacks, staples, juice, toiletries, etc from them, and then spot shop for fresh produce and stuff like bread and milk on my way home from work. I usually do a big shop once every 6-8 weeks, which allows me to get to the minimum order amount easily and saves me from hauling heavy stuff home (I don’t drive). I haven’t set foot in any of the huge supermarkets in over a year, and I’m loving it. I think it ends up costing me a couple dollars more than if I went in to a ‘proper’ store, but like you said, the difference is probably eaten by conscious shopping rather than ending up with seventeen peach tins because I thought I was out.
The one advantage my store has over yours is the ease of app use, though: you can fill your basket for as long as you want, so I just add things in the app when I see I need something throughout a few weeks, so I don’t actually have to sit down and do it, which saves time, I think.
The major bonus for me with online food shopping is I can see my total as I go – so if I am over budget I can remove items. I online shopped for about a year but I have now switched to using our local small grocery after the stores here had some supply problems. Online is definitely the way to go though at crazy times like Christmas.
This is the most thorough post I’ve seen about online grocery shopping. I’ve been considering it for awhile but like you said, Walmart is not my favorite place to shop. How do you feel the prices compare to the commissary? The convenience would be worth the extra cost if it wasn’t too much of a difference I’m sure! Thanks for sharing this great feedback!
Thanks Chelsea, I’m so glad you found in helpful!
I meant to address the commissary option, but the post ran pretty long 😉 Admittedly, I don’t price compare super closely or regularly, but I do find (and have been told by fellow military spouses) that prices between Walmart and the commissary are comparable. My overall grocery bill for the month is pretty much the same as when I used to shop the commissary regularly and exclusively (which was up until I started using Walmart).
I will also admit, I personally hate shopping at the commissary. For whatever reason, the experience is always more stressful for me than shopping at a “normal” grocery store, so the fact that I can not shop at the commissary and still get decent prices, has been an all-around win for me!
Hope you find that helpful, and hope you’re doing well!
I am fortunate enough to have a grocery delivery service where I live called Peapod. Not having a car, they are an absolute blessing to me. Honestly, if we didn’t have what we affectionately call “The Pod”, I don’t know what we’d do.
I started reading the comments and was laughing to see someone else went to the next town over to shop. I was elated last month when the local Walmart began offering grocery pickup. I am sixty six and care for my elderly mother. I don’t like to be gone long and this is the most efficient. I began a year and six months ago. I averaged saving over $150 per month for the first year. That sounds great, but now I have done something more to save. I prefer to run in the store when the roasts are a couple of dollars a pound less and pick up four to six. I buy whole pork loins and slice them to suit us. The ground beef is good at Walmart and the sirloin steak is okay. I buy frozen chicken tenderloins rather than pieces and sometimes frozen wings when I am planning to make buffalo wings. The convenience is unreal, I skip a list and keep a running order in my cart. I have a spreadsheet with beef meals, pork meals, chicken meals, etc. I copy and past to create the two week menus. I prefer to do two weeks and make less trips. If you can compare prices, try some store brands, and relax at home, why not? I have not been disappointed. They do offer delivery, but I think it is rather expensive. There are coupons if you would like to try. You could save a lot of money and time if you plan carefully and avoid going in grocery stores except for what you plan to purchase, such as meat deals that are run periodically.
Great review Megan. Did you ever try the app? Any reason you prefer using your computer instead?
I am not sure about your location but Walmart does deliver. I belong to Walmart+ which is like Amazon subscription. you get free delivery for orders over $35?
Also shipping is free and non-perishable item not in stock they will ship free. As well as anything you want to buy online. It has same kind of drawbacks but have been doing for a year. And has been extremely helpful during pandemic.
Thank you so much for your review – it wasn’t what I expected! At least, I wasn’t expecting to hear a plug for Walmart. LOL> However, the timing is perfect. We are looking to do something different in our shopping routine, mostly to cut down money and travel time. We have considered Walmart (my absolute least favorite option). After reading your article, I checked out the nearest Walmart to us and yes, they offer curbside pickup! Yay! I’ve done a quick check on some of the things we use most frequently and they seem to have them available. Yay again! So, I guess that’s what we’ll be trying for our next grocery excursion!
Hi Tamalita!
I’m so glad you found this article helpful! I’m with you 100% – Walmart is not my favorite place. But even years since I first wrote that post, I still find their pickup system the best. For the last year or so, our Walmart was too far away so we had to use the local chain. Their prices were higher and their system was just not as user friend
We just moved and even though we have a cheaper option close by, I still choose to go to Walmart because the hassle-free nature of the whole experience is simply worth it to me!
I do hope you give it a try, and fingers crossed it works out for you!Megan
Well, I had to come back and tell you about my experience! To be honest, a few years ago, I ordered for curbside pickup from Walmart and I didn’t like it. Maybe it was because it was a new experience, I don’t know. I do recall they did make substitutions, but other than that, it was ok. So, I can’t recall why I didn’t like it. Fast forward to this weekend. I placed my order last night. Found almost everything I wanted. There are a few things we’ll have to adjust and that’s ok, doable. We went to pick up at our scheduled time – we were early, they were ready! There were substitutions, but all of them were completely acceptable. Super duper stoked. We saved nearly half (!!!) of what we’ve paid the previous 2 weeks. Plus it only took an hour to get there, vs two hours to go to our usual store. Yay!!
You can purchase a membership for about $70.00 annually and Walmart will deliver to your door. Tipping is suggested. I really appreciate grocery shopping.
Hi Megan! Thanks for the thorough information on this topic–I agree with you 1000%! I used Peapod for years until they left the business. They were fabulous! I then went over to Walmart Curbside Pick-Up, which is what you described. It also is fabulous. Unfortunately, I have a bad case of arthritis keeping me from grabbing my own groceries; now I have Walmart DELIVERY. I’m lucky they offer it in my area–they are GREAT! Never a mistake…never a glitch…the people delivering are so nice, too! I must say that delivery with Walmart appears to be a pilot program around here, in that the delivery people are Uber Drivers or DoorDash. Hopefully, the program will really take off so they can hire WALMART employees who would use a delivery truck. The Uber drivers, of course, use their cars and carry the Walmart bags to your door. Thanks again, for your post (all your posts!!)!
I loved shopping at my two local stores, they did not completely overlap so I rotated them Trader Joe’s week I’d could stock up on gluten free bread, and the other store for a lot of canned items in the sizes I needed I only plan dinners, and make sure there are sufficient amounts of sliced deli meats and peanut butter on hand. That handled most of my food purchasing but then I moved and there’s no Trader Joe’s so I’ve begun shopping mostly at Sprouts because they have organic produce, pastured eggs and grass fed beef. But they don’t have the gum free cottage cheese we like and don’t carry fair life milk. So I do have a mid week trip, cannot be avoided. That said, it’s a lot easier to get milk and a bunch of bananas than a whole weeks stuff. I have rules, pretty strict ones actually. More than three ingredients, no thanks. Cottage cheese should not have gums, almond milk no carrageenan. I buy tomatoes, canned, puréed, diced and make my own sauces. I avoid anything with soy or seed oils, And probably the most restrictive rule is if it’s not food I get it at target or Amazon. But ordering toothpaste or toilet paper from Amazon produces a ton of cardboard. I recently needed a half dozen add on items and was able to find them at Target just before a camping trip. The only thing I do differently for planning is I do it all on my iPad. I add 8 dinners to calendar, that generates a shopping list and I’m done. I use AnyList. I can plan and make menus from my iPad or Mac, and it syncs to my phone. After delivery, and the inevitable out of stock or unacceptable substitutions remain on the list, the rest goes in history. I don’t use pencil and paper, you’d be hard pressed to find a pencil in my house. It’s a great system and it saves so much time. I really recommend it. My produce arrives just fine also. Even in the 4 months of 100°+ days, it was okay. Some shoppers are clueless though. Often I get a lemon and end up with lousy packing or broken eggs or mashed avocados. But overall I love the time saving. Twenty minutes driving -no. Thirty to forty finding what I need – no. Another 15 in line – no. Pushing a heavily laden cart through a lot and loading car – another 10 minutes and then a drive home, five trips of two bags a at a time to garage or house and then discovering that the 6 cans of tomato soup are in four different bags and tha my bread has been turned into tortillas. All that goes away.