I’m a smidge late, but last month marked two years since moving into this 8th rental home of ours! Just like I did at the one year mark, I thought it would be fun to give you a full video tour of the house, to show everything we’ve been able to accomplish so far. Since video shows you pretty much everything…and I mean everything…you’ll get a good sense for how our home looks on a regular basis (as in, not staged for photos), as well as how everything connects together. There’s not a lot of reading in today’s post, so please sit back and enjoy snooping walking through our home with me!

Before I dive into the video tour, I have a few quick disclaimers and footnotes:

  • No…our house is not always this picked up or clean. I filmed this video immediately after our housecleaner left so it would be as tidy as possible. Within an hour, there were toys everywhere and crumbs all over the floor…so what you see was definitely just a rare (beautiful) moment in time.
  • Although the house is picked up, I didn’t “style” it at all for this video tour. This is real life…complete with kids’ clutter, fallen-down shelves, mismatched curtains, and more!
  • If you look back at my “First Year Here Tour,” you’ll see I did in fact finish most of what I aimed to do. Although we’re only here for one more year, I do have a few final projects I’m hoping to knock out in the next few weeks:
    • DIY knob project for Sam’s bedroom
    • Mini gallery wall in the Master Bedroom
    • Re-stain the side tables in the family room
    • Do something in Jack’s room. (It just never came together the way I hoped, so I’m trying to figure out what I can do to make it all “click.”)
    • Re-arrange the playroom to make space for a piano.
  • I tried to zoom in and show many of the projects I’ve done in-depth tutorials for here on the blog. So if you’re looking for more details on a specific space or DIY, your best bet it to check out the Project Gallery HERE.
  • Finally…if you think we don’t have any clutter or messes to deal with…notice I didn’t show you the basement or garage. We’ll see if I get the courage up to video those during our final tour next summer 😉

Tour Our Home

Video not showing for you? Watch it HERE.

Home Products & Resources

If you’re looking for any products you saw in the video home tour, you can shop them all HERE!

I can’t wait to hear what you all think of this latest tour!

See You Soon!