Family Photo Medallion Ornaments
In the 2+ years I’ve written this blog, I’ve learned a very interesting thing about blogging and social media in general: people only know what you put out there. I have made a conscience decision to primarily post pictures of my home, my projects, and gifts I make for other people. Every so often, I share something personal: a story about a marathon or my husband coming home from deployment or my Mom. For me, this has been a good balance. I never wanted this to be a family blog or a diary of my life; but every now and then, something happens in my personal life that I can’t help but share with my readers.
Before Christmas I made a last-minute gift for my mom. I quickly snapped some pictures of them before I boxed them up, thinking I would only share the photos once she was better. But that time didn’t come as fast I thought it would, and I want to share this project, and this story, here…now.
A few weeks before Christmas, my mom was feeling very ill and ended up in ER/ICU. It was a short stay, but it left her week and too exhausted to decorate for Christmas. I was sad that her house (that was always filled to the brim with Christmas cheer and holiday crafts) would have none this year, so I whipped up a set of these adorable family photo medallion ornaments (I found the idea HERE!), and sent them off to her.
Literally as I was pulling out of the post office after mailing them, I got a call from my sister that my mom was back in the ICU. Without sharing too many details, my mom went back into the ICU 6 days before Christmas, and she is still there now. She has a very severe form of pneumonia and is fighting for her life. Instead of these ornaments adorning her bare tree at home, they have adorned her walls in the ICU.
Through this whole experience, these ornaments have been a vibrant and visible presence of our family in my mom’s room. I know she saw them, and I know she knows they’re there. I hope she knows that we are picture, in person, in spirit, in prayer, in fervent love.
I’ve been really amazed and overwhelmed by the reaction from my family and the hospital staff to these ornaments. Simple paper scraps, crafted with immense love for an amazing woman. I never would have guessed that pulling this little project together at the last minute would serve as a source of comfort for my mom and a source of strength and pride for my family.
I’m so grateful to Heather for posting this idea and for all those who pinned it so that it found my way to my Pin boards. This simple idea in a simple photograph…has brought a lot of holiday spirit to a family that has needed it.
I wish I could close this post with the good news that Mom is okay. At this point, she is not yet okay, and we do not know how her particular story will play out.
My mom, who I love so much, has a beautiful and strong family gazing down on her from the walls and is pulling and praying hard for her to get through this. If you have a prayer intention list, please add her to it. If you need someone to pray for, please pray for my mom. We need all the prayers we can get.
As you can probably guess, my life (and hobbies) are in a fluid state at the moment. I will try to continue to post when I can, but if I don’t…I’m still here, I’m just spending time with my Mom.
7 Comments on “Family Photo Medallion Ornaments”
We, her quilting friends, are all praying for her and hope she is back with us soon. We miss her.
I hope your mum gets better, that was a beautiful idea and she will have all her family around her even though they aren't. We did a similar thing when my mother in law was in hospice, I did a photo collage of the family so she could have them near her. You wouldn't believe it she got better and left hospice, went back in to hospital and is home now and still getting stronger every day. So never give up.
I wish all the best for your mom and will add her to my list.
I am a praying woman and I will remember to lift your mother, you, and your entire family up to Him. The ornaments are perfect! I have put them on my to-do list for next Christmas.
I'm praying for your mom and your family!! The ornaments are super cute and a wonderful reminder for you all. Praying 🙂
Hi Megan! I follow you an our blog, and you always have so much great stuff to share. Today is your best post ever! I love your ornaments, absolutely love them. But, I can relate to where you are in this journey right now. My husband spent 8 days in ICU and another 7 days in a regular room right before Thanksgiving. He almost died from sepsis, but we prayed and prayed and prayed. I spent endless hours sitting by his bed as he fought for his life, and it all paid off. 8 long weeks later, and today was his first day back to work. People prayed for us, and we will pray for you and our mom. Stay strong, recovery takes time! She can do it, don't lose the faith!
God bless you and your family!
What a touching post. Thank you for sharing something so personal. My thoughts and prayers are with your mother and your entire family at this difficult time.
You hit a particular nerve for me tonight as a friend of mine developed pneumonia today while in the hospital for cancer treatment and is also fighting hard in the ICU. I'm hoping her recovery is fast enough that I won't have time to make something like this, but you've inspired me to find even small ways to bring her friends and family into her room. She's getting treatment 90 miles from home so people haven't been able to visit much, but this is a way to bring them to her in spirit. (I live local to the hospital she's in and can get there much more easily than others). I was just saying how helpless I feel in the situation but something like this will let me feel like I'm doing something, however small, to contribute to her recovery. I needed that very much right now.
Blessings for health and peace.
-Another Megan