An Exciting Day Around Here…
Hey Everyone! I was hoping to have a project reveal up for you today, but something much more exciting happened around here…
Daddy’s home!!!! So please excuse the “silence” here for a few days while my little family does a lot of catching up! I’ll be back real soon…promise!! (After all, I’ve been practically overhauling the entire house while he was away so I have a lot to catch ya’ll up on!)
See You Soon!
6 Comments on “An Exciting Day Around Here…”
Congratulations!! Happy Homecoming!!
Aw! Glad he is home! Have a great reunion 😀
Your silence is definitely "excused" just as long as you have a great homecoming! And please pass along my thanks for his service and for yours, too, as a military wife.
Enjoy your homecoming!
Congratulations!! That's so exciting!! Go and enjoy family time! Ya.ll deserve it!!
Oh my!! Congratulations!! And please thank him for his service for me!
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