Coffee Break #28
Happy New Year, friends! I know, I know…it’s February; and it’s been a little while since we’ve done a Coffee Break catch up. In blog-land, it’s somewhat of a sprint from Black Friday through the end of January; so each year, I tend to hunker down and plow through a bunch of time-sensitive content. But rest assured…everyone’s favorite monthly life update post isn’t disappearing from the schedule, and I’m back on track for the First Fridays of every month! So grab your favorite beverage and snack, and let’s catch up on life these last few months!
COVID Christmas
In sitting down to reflect on what’s been going on since our last catch up, the only big thing that comes to mind is that our family got COVID over the holidays. Whomp. We’re a little dumfounded as to how, because we kept to a super tight family bubble…but that’s just the nature of this virus I guess. Thankfully, both Greg and I had milder-than-mild cases, but 2 of our 3 boys were pretty sick for a good 5+ days.
By the way, I wrote an entire Sunday Short about preparing your home for sickness (whether it’s COVID, flu, or anything else!). If you missed it, you can read it HERE!
While being sick certainly wasn’t fun for anyone, the hardest part of the entire experience for our family was the isolation, especially AFTER everyone was better. Maaaaan…nothing like having three boys who suddenly feel great and not being able to leave the house. By Day 10, I’m pretty certain we were all crawling the walls. But the “straw” that really broke this Mama’s sanity was when a massive winter storm and end-of-quarter teacher workdays canceled even more school. This week is the first time my two big boys have gone to school Monday-Friday since before Christmas, and all feels right in my world again 🤪.
What’s Ahead in 2022
2022 is shaping up to be an exciting year both behind-the-scenes and here on the blog!
Move #9
As most of you know, we are due to move south to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina in a few short months. This means that not only do I have lots of final room reveals of this house coming your way (very soon!), but also that there is a whole new house to get started on!
I will be the first to admit that moving every few years is getting old…but having a brand new house to “play with” is not. I’ve already got lots of ideas for our new home, and I’m somewhat chomping at the bit to get there and get started. (I may have already picked out a new rug for the dining room…just saying 🤦♀️)
This move will also bring full-time school/childcare for all three of my boys, which after almost 11 years of being home with kids, will prove to be “life changing” on lots of different levels. I am excited to see how this evolves both my home and work life (and that elusive balance I’ve been craving for what seems like forever). You better bet I’ll be bringing you along for all the home, moving, and life changes in the coming months!
Blog Content
Speaking of the blog, I’m really looking forward to 2022 for reasons that I hope are as exciting for you as they are for me. For the first time…ever (??)…I am 100% laser focused on bringing you guys a lot of really good content (hopefully, you’ve already noticed!)
As a blogger in the 2020s, there are expectations that you be everywhere and do everything: sell products, go live on Instagram, work with sponsors, write emails, shoot great pictures, make videos as well…oh yea, and be clever, helpful, witty, and fun too. As a “one woman show,” it’s hard to keep up and I’ve felt scattered and diluted in recent years. So I’ve decided to pour my efforts into where it really counts…for me and for you!
Starting in January, I set a new schedule that really helps me plan and organize my content better, and I think you guys will love it too:
- Tuesdays – Organization
- Thursdays – Cricut
- Friday – Home Decor/Moving
- Sundays – The Sunday Short (quick tip email) – I receive so many notes from readers saying this email is the best part of their Sunday and that they get so much out of it. Be sure you’re on my list for this “bonus” weekly post!
I know some of you are only Cricut users, while a lot of you are never Cricut users. This schedule should help you tune in for the projects you want to see most…AND it helps me ultimately bring you more of everything in a really balanced way! Who’s excited?!?
Why I Didn’t Make Any New Year’s Resolutions This Year
Maybe it was the rush of the holidays or the blur of COVID, but this New Year I experienced something I haven’t in recent memory: zero desire to make New Year’s resolutions.
Usually, I am chomping at the bit to turn the page on the calendar, spend time soul-searching, define some priorities, and map out how I want my year to look with pretty pens and stickers and To Do lists. This year, I just didn’t have it in me…but I think I know why.
2021 was such a winding year with stops, start, and redirects due to school closures, childcare changes, massive website updates, and more. I never really felt like I got my feet under me, and any progress I was making toward my goals was on constantly shifting sand.
So when January 1, 2022 came around, I felt like I was just hitting my stride on a lot of the plans and goals I mapped out last year. One night while reflecting on it, I turned to Greg and said “I think I just need to simmer this year.”
Simmer – state of being just below boiling when heated.
It felt so contrary to the “girl boss” and “boss babe” and “conquer the year” messages that are so prominent every January (ones I usually whole-heartedly embrace). But the truth is…I worked hard in 2021 to “get things cooking,” and I didn’t need any soul-searching or re-direction just yet. What I did need was to hold the same “gentle heat” on in order to keep everything simmering. (Is my metaphor getting old yet?)
I share this only because I think it’s valuable to recognize that not every January has to have the “this is my year” fervor (boiling). It’s okay to let the calendar roll over and keep pecking away at the things that mattered just the day before. If you didn’t get there last month or the month before that, January 1st really is just another day to keep simmering.
Ask Megan!
Alright guys! It’s a fresh year with lots coming down the pike! If there’s anything you’d love to see me chat about in future Coffee Breaks (e.g., military life, Mom life, blogger life, wife life, etc), drop them in the form below!
That’s it for this month’s Coffee Break. Thanks for catching up with me, and I hope you have a great month ahead!
15 Comments on “Coffee Break #28”
Simmering along with you this year too!
My only real goal is to work my way through my fabric stash before I die. Of course to do that I need to stop buying fabric ….
And to regain my musical skills on piano and accordion. And maybe try out the guitar in the corner…
Your blog helps keep my child rearing years fresh.
Accordion! Oh cool, Linda! You sound like quite the musician!
My husband is a “teach yourself” instrument player. He taught himself how to play the guitar, and recently started pecking away at the piano. I can dance, but I have zero other musical skills!
Thanks for sharing a little more about yourself – I love knowing more about my most loyal readers!
Happy Weekend!
Thank you for sharing, Megan. Please stay safe. Have a great weekend.
Thanks so much, Sharon! Glad you enjoyed this month’s post!
I’m so sorry about your covid Christmas! And that your boys had it rough. I agree that the hardest part about all of it is the quarantine! I’m glad things are finally back to “normal” for you!
For your year of “simmer”, I’m curious to know how your powersheets worked in to that this year? Did you mostly repeat your uncompleted goals from last year? Or just take a year off completely? This is my 3rd year of powersheets and while many of my goals are more ongoing (like cultivating family culture) I feel like I am repeating many of them over and over. My word for the year is “progress” and I’m hoping to complete some of these for good, including photo books using your method! I wish you all the best in your year of simmer. I’d think moving and setting up a new house would be a challenge enough for the year!
Hi Kristin, thank you so much for this lovely comment!
To answer your question on PowerSheets, I didn’t even do them (for the first time in four or five years I think??) I kept looking at them after the holidays, and I just couldn’t get over the mental hurdle of doing all the prep pages (when I still felt like all my prep pages from 2021 applied). That’s actually what tipped me off that something wasn’t quite right in my goal-setting motivation.
Even though they are technically “dated,” I’m pretty sure I can start using them anytime this year or even hold off until next year. (I’m fairly obsessed with the green cover I bought this year so I’ll definitely return to them when I’m ready).
In the meantime, I actually found a Google spreadsheet “planner” that I am using for all my blog goals/planning. I transferred a lot of my goals from my 2021 PS to it so I still have visibility on them.
Hope that helps a bit!
I like simmer. What a good descriptive word for what has been happening over the last few years. Thank you for sharing that thought. Something for me to think about.
And covid, so sorry! But I super appreciated the sunday short with all the ideas. I am organizing my linen closet, and putting that strategy into practice.
I appreciate all the small tips you share that become little light bulb moments for me. Thanks!
You are most welcome, Kristie!
And I have to thank YOU for always being here. Getting comments from you feels like a steady, old friend…and it means a lot how much time and connection you’ve given me over the years!
Happy Weekend!
Lovely post! I’m a real lurker here, but just wanted to say your posts are the first thing I read when they come up in my Feedly. Even the cricut ones! I’ll never be a cricut user (here in Spain I suspect supplies would be hard to come by and expensive) but I just love the way you write. Thanks for making my days nicer!
Oh Isabel! I so love getting comments like this one, thank you!
Quite often, I fall into the “I should be doing more” trap. But I recently read that if you “just do you,” the right people will stick around. Writing is my favorite way to create content, and I love having readers like you who are happy to read along!
Thank YOU for making my day nicer with this comment!Megan
How can I sign up for Sunday Shorts?
Love your “simmering” thought for the year. I so get it!! Glad that you’re all feeling better. It is puzzling how Covid and the variants can be contracted even though we are being so careful.
You’re doing such a wonderful job keeping us inspired. Your creativity, drive and love of family and home are such a joy to read about.
Thanks so much, Deanna! I love hearing when you all are enjoying the content I put out!
In looking up this email address, it appears you already receive my Sunday Shorts (but most of them are showing as unopened). That means they are likely going to your Spam/Trash. Take a quick look and see if you can find them in there.
Keep me posted!Megan
I’m glad you’re not allowing yourself to be influenced too much by « influencers » and what they do. The authenticity of your blog is what I enjoy the most and there are so few blogs like this nowadays. All the best with your move!
Thanks so much, Frania! I love getting comments like this one. These days, it’s so easy to fall into the trap of trying to do what everybody else is doing in an effort to appeal to everyone. Looking back, I’ve always had much more success (and enjoyment!) when I do what feels right in my gut, and my readers seem to like it that way too!
Have a great weekend!
Such a superwoman that even covid x5 can’t keep you down for long! 😀 Seriously though, I am so glad you are all back to your awesome selves. 🙂
I love the idea of simmering, too. While there are going to be many changes in store for me this year (finding a job, probably moving), I know there are some things I just need to let simmer and wait for the Lord’s direction. The last 2 years have been so very hard since my husband unexpectedly passed but I do feel that this year is going to bring many changes.
I love the calm and peace that seeing your lovely, orderly, organized home brings me! It is such a rest for the chaos in my head! xoxox *hugs*