Printable Project Planner
Of all the printable requests I receive, a project planner/checklist is one of the most common and frequent! While I tend to take on and complete projects in a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants fashion, I acknowledge that some projects (especially big ones!) would go a lot smoother with a little bit of planning and organization. Happy to fulfill reader requests and get my own system in order, I set out to design a simple little project checklist. A few hours and a bunch of new ideas later, my one-page checklist turned into an adorable 5-page project planner that I can’t wait to start using pronto!
From inspiration to measurements, useful links to fabric samples, budget to schedules, there are a lot of factors that play into any DIY project, large or small. To save yourself time, money, headaches, and extra trips to the store, try planning out your project before you start! These pretty worksheets will make the tedious task a little more fun, don’t you think!?!?
Whether your next project is a big room overhaul or a simple sewing project, these worksheets will help you detail out your plan, supply list, schedule, inspiration, budget and more! Taking on a smaller project? Use my single-sheet project planner to hash out the basic details! Taking on a large build or renovation? My 5-page planner will help you work through and keep track of all the various and tedious details!
The 1-Page Project Planner
I see myself using this one-sheet version a lot! Quite often, I have multiple projects going…all with different priorities, deadlines, supply needs, and time requirements. All too often, I find myself running back and forth to the store (sometimes multiple times a day!) because I didn’t plan out everything I needed for each project and what my schedule was for completing each one. This worksheet is now my one-stop shop for thinking through a project BEFORE I begin! Sure there will be modifications along the way, but allowing myself 10 minutes to work through my ideas (and assess the time and supplies I have!) will hopefully save me some headaches long the way! The one-page planner has these categories:
- Description – Jot down a quick description of the project…include colors, textures, inspirations, and desired look/feel of the finished product
- Schedule – I’m not suggesting you plan your project down to the minute, but determining what needs to happen when will allow you to anticipate longer tasks, dry times, etc.
- Resources – Is there an online tutorial you’re going to follow? Are you going to buy hardware from a specific dealer? Here’s a great place to jot those resources down!
- Notes – Use this space for anything you need to remember: paint colors, dry times, measurements, and more
- Supplies – Detail out everything you will need to accomplish your project and be sure to check it off when you either 1) determine you already have it or 2) buy it!
- Tasks – Write down each step of your project, preferably in order, to help you anticipate roadblocks or time sucks as to accomplishing your project!
The 5-Page Project Planner
The 5-page planner includes many of the same categories as the 1-page planner, but gives you the space to flesh out more details! The Inspiration page includes large boxes to sketch out or describe your project, list resources (books, stores, websites, magazines) that you can refer to during the project, as well as notes for measurements, paint colors, and more. A full-page To-Do List helps you track every single task on larger projects, and a full-page Notes sheet serves as a place to scribble down anything necessary!
Both the Project Schedule and Project Budget are presented in single-page, landscape-formatted worksheets. There is plenty of space to detail everything you want and need to keep your project on track!
I couldn’t help designing a cute little cover for this printable kit. It’s available in full sheet size; I just trimmed my down and layered it over pretty paper for my binder cover.
Speaking of binders, I think these worksheets would be great loaded into a binder for easy access and reference (plus you can then easily add extra worksheets as you need them!) Print out a set of worksheets for each project you’re working on. Use dividers to organize your plans for each and every project you have going on!
Another advantage of using a binder system is that it can become a one-stop shop for everything and anything you need to accomplish your project. Tape on paint swatches and fabric samples to the inspiration pages…
…and include page protectors to hold receipts for any project supplies! When it comes time to return an item or tally the final budget, you won’t have to go looking for lost receipts!
I am especially excited to have this printable kit ready to go as we gear up to move into our next home and take on some new room makeovers. With a few copies of this kit printed out and loaded into a binder, I’ll be able to track ideas, plans, samples, and costs for each room…to hopefully stay on track and stay a little more sane as I work through a long list of projects!
Get This Kit!
This kit is part of the Fresh & Fun Printable Pack. Get your FREE copy HERE!
I’d love to hear how you get and keep yourself organized for DIY projects, big or small! If you have a secret or useful tip, share in the comments below!
Coming up on Thursday, I’m closing out my 1 Dresser, 4 Totally Temporary Transformations series with a re-cap and vote! See you back here then!
P.S. Are you a sewer? This project planner has now been customized for sewing projects! See more details here.
16 Comments on “Printable Project Planner”
I’m going to be very sad when this series is over. There have been so many things I really didn’t know I needed, but that have helped me out a ton! Thank you for spending your time to put this all together.
I need to find a binder to put all of my stuff in. I use the weekly schedule religiously. (This one I use just one and keep it in my purse and refer to it OFTEN. Then at the end of the week I stick it in a folder with the rest of my used ones. It helps me keep track of dinners. :)) And I have printed out the password keeper, and the dedicates in washer reminder. But I totally see myself using this one a lot(sewing projects/kids bedroom redos/my dreaming of a garage). Thank you for putting this together. I am thinking I need a master binder with sections for all my extras.
I don’t know where the 12 weeks went! Seriously! When I started this series, I was worried I wouldn’t come up with 12 different sets. But with each week, I think of more and more things I can make and am having SO much fun making them. I am so glad to hear that you are using them and they are working for you. This week will finish off the series (with one of my most favorite sets yet!), but I have plans for many more coming down the pike, so stay tuned!
Megan, You are a lifesaver! THANK YOU so much for taking the time to make and share your amazing printables. We moved home 6 months ago into a much smaller flat and so many things need to be replaced, or storage needs to be rethought, but thanks to you, your suggestions and your printables, I’m able to get myself better organised from the start, which will make life so much easier, and hopefully, just a little less stressful lol.
Thank you so much for this totally made my day earlier last week when you left it on the blog! So often, I work away on these files and wonder if anyone ever uses them. They bring me so much joy to make, and knowing that they have positively helped others is just the icing on the cake! Thanks for taking the time to let me know, and stay tuned for more great files to come!
Hope you had a good weekend!
Hi Megan
I can hardly imagine we are at the 11 th week of your printables, it seems I’m just discovering the first ones. Thanks a lot to have shared all these with us your happy readers. Have a nice week and a lot of nice projects for your move and the next house. Michèle
I know!! The weeks have flown by! At first, I wasn’t sure how I would come up with 12 different sets to make, but as the weeks rolled by, the ideas keep pouring out and I have so many more ideas I want to do in the coming year! That said, I am excited to bring this series to a close with a bang this coming Tuesday and turn my sites to a few other fun projects/series in the coming months!
See you again Tuesday!
Great idea! If only I was organized enough to get it all out on paper. I’ll be sharing this one with some ladies who are though 😉
Bring on more free printables!
Ooooh I so need this to get myself organized for projects. This looks so great! Great job Megan!
These look great, and so helpful!
I would love to download these! I haven’t received a password yet thought. 🙁
Wish I had found your sight sooner!
The project planner is going to help me immensely!
The link dosent work for downloads
I’m very disappointed. The pin stated that this was a free printable resource. How is this free when I have to pay for access to your library?
Hi Sherry,
Thanks for writing. When I first created and shared this project planner, it was indeed free. However, in the years since then, I have switched how I offer my printables. Unfortunately, I am not able to change old pins that are still circulating that say “free.” I am sorry for the confusion.
That said, I share a different project planner (for free) when you subscribe to my mailing list. It’s sent as a free gift a few days after you subscribe. You can subscribe on at the bottom of my blog homepage:
Please let me know if you have any questions.Thanks,Megan
I’m having a hard time finding how to download the “Project Planner”. Can you please email me this planner? Your organization is amazing!
Hi, I have all your planners, I would like you to publish a planner for Knitter/Crochet projects