Printable Magnetic Household Signs
I have been wanting to create a series of printables for a while now, but what really pushed me into action on the new Organizational Toolbox this year were all the suggestions, request and recommendations from you guys on the Reader Survey! When I asked what kind of products, projects or systems you all needed, you guys had some awesome ideas! I have them all jotted down, and I am working my way down the list. Today’s printable was one of those requests, and I am super excited about this one. So simple, but so helpful! Say hello to some friendly magnetic household signs!
Whoever asked for a quick and easy way to remind their husband to remove their bras from the dryer…thank you! Because I think this idea is so clever, and I needed it too! I am SO guilty of tossing everything from the washer straight into the dryer without stopping or thinking. Which, as you might expect, has resulted in some unfortunate shrinkage and loss of items. Now I have a friendly little magnetic sign to remind me to check first!
While I was designing the laundry signs, I went ahead and made another really helpful and much needed reminder…at least in this household! Once or twice a day, my husband and I both ask each other “Is the dishwasher clean or dirty?” Thanks to a quick little printable sign, now we will both always know! (Provided we remember to flip it!)
I’ve designed two different versions of each sign (2 for the laundry, 2 for the dishwasher) and have them available in 5 different color ways!
Making Your Magnetic Signs
Once you have your printable magnetic signs file, decide which color scheme you want, and print them out onto magnetic paper!
There are lots of different types of magnetic paper out there. I prefer this one because it gives a nice, glossy finish and professional-looking result when printed.
This paper is also super easy to cut, so all you have to do to finish your signs is cut them out…
…and stick them wherever you need them! I was a bit bummed to learn that the top front of my dryer (where all the keys are) is the ONLY part that is not magnetic. Still, the top and by the door are perfect places for this sweet little reminder!
You can also print these out at a smaller percentage if you need them smaller. Lastly, you can print them out onto regular paper, laminate them, and secure magnets to the back if you don’t want to buy magnetic paper. This option would also make your signs waterproof, which isn’t a bad idea come to think of it!
Get This Kit!
These Printable Household Signs are bundled together with a variety of other popular labeling downloads. Click HERE to learn more about this bundle or download it immediately by clicking below!
Have an All Access Pass to The Organization Toolbox? Login HERE to get this download!
I tried and tried to come up with other helpful signs for around the home. I’d love to expand this set, so if you have a great idea to add, let me know in the comments! I do hope your week is off to a great start! Back here Thursday, I’m chatting a bit more about my craft closet organization. See you then!
12 Comments on “Printable Magnetic Household Signs”
Love this. I am forever drying my kids clothes, and not checking for the stains. Dried in stains are the worst. Thank you!
I really need something like this to remind me to check for stains BEFORE tossing things in the dryer! Too many times I’ve treated a stain, but it didn’t come out all the way then I accidentally “set it” wth the dryer. I could also luse a sign to put at our hamper, “check your pockets!” Maybe that would cut down on the number of chopsticks I wash every year. We could also use a similar one to the dishwasher to let us know if the dog has been fed.
A couple helpful hints for those who don’t have a laminator, you can cheaply laminate small projects like this with clear contact paper. I love, love, love my laminator, but I made do for many years using the contact paper trick! Also keep an eye out for freebie magnets – real estate agents often mail them out and many people hand them out at community events. I keep a stash of these to glue onto lightweight projects like this.
Thanks so much for these! Especially for the tips on how to change the colors.
Akkk! I should have asked for ideas before I made the signs because these two ideas are AWESOME suggestions. I wracked and wracked my brain and couldn’t come up with anything! Will definitely be adding these to the kits.
And great tip about laminating…I too used contact paper for years and it gets the job done just great! And your tip on the magnets – brilliant! Maybe you should be a blogger 😉
Hope you’re having a great weekend!
Hi Megan
Once again what a lovely idea, I wonder how you think of all these tiny little things which can help us so much! I don’t use a lot the dryer anymore, our daughters are quite old now and live on their own and we haven’t a dishwasher, yes it’s true but I love the trick and could use it elsewhere. I do agree with the suggestion of ” do check your pockets”. Have a lovely day and I’m looking forward to reading about your craft closet. Michèle
Love this idea, Megan!! And such beautiful designs! xo
Thanks so much Karen! I’m a newbie at designing my own stuff, but I sure do love it!
Happy Weekend!
Such a great idea!! Love the magnets and I agree I always just toss from the washing machine to the dryer. So a little reminder is great.
Lauren | Lovely Decor
Hello again, Lauren!
Glad you like these too….they have been so helpful these last few weeks! Even by hubby is using them!
Yes, it was I who has the husband who puts my bras in the dryer. And I recently found out he is also adding bleach to the white load. Ahhhgg! That explains my need to go undies shopping!
Thanks for the beautiful magnets, I really appreciate it!
Almost missed the post though. I go to your blog a few times a week – have you on my ‘favourites’, but you were mia for about a month. The last post I got was about your fabric covered stool, then nothing…..Then all of a sudden today I get a months worth of posts ?? Any idea what happened? Will make for a good evening of reading though.
Yay! I’m glad you piped up…I was wondering who requested these! Hope they come in handy! I’ll have to think about adding a bleach sign!
Yes, I do know what’s going on. I installed a caching service to help with site speed, but it was causing some readers to not see my most current content. I couldn’t figure out who was and wasn’t seeing new stuff, so I had no real way to fix it. I am sorry that you missed so many posts. Just a tip…refresh your browser on any day you think there should be a post but don’t see one. For whatever reason, if you just refresh your screen, the new post will populate. without issue. I am working to resolve the issue, but until I figure out what’s causing it, I’m not sure I’ll make much headway!
Either way…glad you get to catch up!
Happy reading!
Can I ask where your flamingo wallpaper from? love this post!
Hi Jenny!
The flamingo wallpaper is actually wrapping paper from TJMaxx!!!! You can read all about how I put it up here:
Thanks so much for stopping by!