Our Quantico Home | Owl-Themed Nursery Reveal
I had my first baby, Henry, over 10 months ago (uh…what?…that can’t be possible!). We were scheduled to move from San Diego to our current home here in Virginia when he was just 10 weeks old, so I knew there was no use in setting up a nursery before moving. (Boy, did that kill me though!). To curb my persistent nesting urges, I picked out a nursery theme and made a few necessities I would need early on. I did a full post of my fabric selection and first projects a while back.
As soon as we moved into this house, I feverishly set to work setting up He-Man’s nursery, making project after project until it was complete. A mom only gets to do her first child’s nursery once after all…and I loved every minute of it. There are parts of the room that I love and parts that I want to change…there are projects I want to do, and some I want to re-do…but we are moving in such a short time so I will save those “wants” for the next house. In the end though, I am thrilled with how the room turned out!
Anyway, shame on me that it’s taken me this long to post all the pictures….but without further ado, here is He-Man’s Owl-Themed Nursery!
My main theme fabric for the nursery was Robert Kaufman’s Urban Zoologie Owls in Ivory. I picked out Remix Argyle and a navy polka dot to go with it. My first projects and main focal point of the room were the crib, bedding, and mobile.
Our furniture is a Pali set (shame on me for buying a set, but it was the easiest and fastest option at the time!). The crib is a lifetime crib in espresso finish. My mother made the spectacular quilt that hangs over the crib, easily one of my favorite features of the room!
I made the pleated bed skirt and crib bumpers using this pattern. Um…confession of a baby-sewing novice…don’t sew your crib “stuff” until you get your crib! Since our crib goes so low to the floor, I could have made a much less fancy bedskirt (you can’t see the pleats!) AND the bumper doesn’t fit the permitter just right. Oh well…sure looks cute though!
Another one of my favorite details in the room is the mobile hanging over the crib!
I made the owls back in San Diego using this tutorial. He-Man loved watching them so much in his port-a-crib, that I knew I had to keep them in his new mobile. After perusing some ideas online, I decided to use embroidery hoops as the frame, and ribbon and a bunch of dots, squares, and letters cut using my cricut as the hanging elements. This baby was tricky to put together, but it turned out great, and He-Man STILL loves to gaze at it!
The other main feature of the room is baby’s dresser and changing station!
This unit, part of the matching Pali set with the crib, is a two-peice unit. The top hutch can be removed to become a free-standing bookshelf. The drawers hold all his clothes and blankets, while the shelves are filled with everything baby needs!
(top left) lined baskets to hold extra diapers and supplies [yes, I lined those baskets again! Other liners included these and these!]
(top right) a vinyl owl [made by my sister] on a simple plastic bin holds the pacifiers my son won’t take!
(middle) best [and cutest!] laundry bag ever!
(bottom) chalkboard bins from JoAnns holds cloth diapers, covers, and hats/socks
I made two changing pad covers using this tutorial. Not only do I love this design because I got to use two fabrics instead of one, but it gave a cozy (flannel) and clean place to put baby’s head for each diaper change!
On the wall behind the hutch, I did a complete spur-of-the-moment wall treatment the morning our furniture was scheduled to arrive. As I’ve said a million times, we weren’t going to paint because we are here for such a short time, but I couldn’t stand the blank white box of a room. I had yards and yards (literally, 100 yards!) of this green polka dot ribbon in my stash (don’t ask why!). An hour before the delivery men showed up, I grabbed my measuring tape, pencil, and staple gun, and had this beauty up in no time! I still go back and forth about it. I love that there is something back there behind the hutch…it just feels a tad bit busy to me! I used to love pattens and whimsy, but lately I am craving more simple looks. Oh well…it comes down in 3 months (lol)!
On the opposite end of the room is our feeding and reading chair! I hate this chair – it was a poor purchase on a whim, and we just can’t seem to get rid of it. Until I can find (and afford!) the rocking chair of my dreams, however, this will do!
Oh…and you may or may not have noticed a little curtain switch-er-roo from the earlier pictures!
I found the (right side) abstract tree fabric at IKEA and fell in love with it. I thought it would be the perfect addition to this green/blue room. I bought 5 yards and made two set of tab-top curtains. There were two problems though…1) they just seemed SOOO busy to me…too many patterns in one room, and 2) with all the pattern, you couldn’t see my awesome pennant banners!
These are another favorite of mine, but I can’t take all the credit. My sister made all the owls using the Hoot’N’Holler cricut cartridge as decorations and table centerpieces for He-Man’s baby shower. I saved all the owls because I thought they would make a perfect addition to his room! I alternated the owls with simple pennants I made using the theme fabric.
Anyway, about the curtains….every day I’m in that room…and every day I stared at those curtains trying to figure out how to fix them. Then one day, while feeding He-Man, it occurred to me that I had some plain white (dotted) curtains in our closet not being used. I swapped them out that day! Now you can see the pennants and the overall feel is much calmer, don’t you think?
Oh..and I made curtain “ties” using more ribbon! I agonized over the rug for weeks…looking at option after option. I ultimately settled on this one from Rugs USA during a sale. With the old curtains, it was too over-the-top for me (again…too much pattern!). Now with the white curtains, I like the rug much much better!
On the walls, I have some custom artwork…
(top) I can’t take credit for this one either…another favorite and another spectacular creation by my sister for the baby shower. I took this banner [that hung over the buffet table] and had it framed for above his closet!
(bottom left) a print of me 8 months pregnant with He-Man in my belly…the cut out says “Owl always love you”
(bottom middle) cut out says “You’re a Hoot” and contains pictures of Baby making some funny faces
(bottom right) made by my sister, a prayer on the occasion of Henry’s baptism
There are other little details in this space that just make me so so happy!
(top left) personalized night light given as a gift by his Great Aunt
(top right) homemade bath towel and nursing cover hang by the door
(bottom left) small blue chair bought in Okinawa and is the perfect height hold books, burp cloths, etc.
(bottom right) owl pin cushion made by my sister [again for the shower!]
All the projects and details in this nursery were so much fun for me to brainstorm, pick out, and/or create. Although there are some things I want to change and some other ideas I haven’t yet gotten to, this space is a super fun “nest” for my little Owl to grow and explore!
See You Soon!
11 Comments on “Our Quantico Home | Owl-Themed Nursery Reveal”
So amazing in so many ways! I love love love the wall treatment. The pennants and windows look amazing too.I would love for you to come link it up at my party going on right now!
How sweet, I love everything about it!
This is scrummy i love it xx
would love you to stop by my blog sometime. Im a new follower 🙂
Katie @ lilybooandco.blogspot.com
this nursery makes my owl-obsessed heart so happy! Love the owl pennant!!
So many amazing details in this nursery. I love the rug! I wish my kids were little still, I would totally make 2 or a dozen of those changing pad covers. What a smart idea. And from one (former) cloth diapering mama to another, you rock! Stopping in from 36th Ave blog hop and glad I did.
Following now. Swing by my neck of the woods.
Stopping by from the Grow your blog {blog Hop}! http://queenofsavings.com
Oh so cute. I do love the original tree fabric, but you're right, the simpiler look really shows off the cute bunting! Very cute nursery.
Great job! I love making things as well and have some big plans for the nursery for my bundle on the way. I was just wondering if you could find the link to the pattern for the crib set? The link you posted doesn't link you directly to it and I searched but couldn't find it. I like the rectangular form and sturdiness of the bumpers you made.
Hi Jenn!
Thanks for letting me know the pattern link didn't work. I fixed it (above) and here it is as well! http://www.amazon.com/Simplicity-Sewing-Pattern-3795-Decorating/dp/B00179QJTE
Hope that helps, and good luck!
Hey Megan! I'm squealing with delight from my laptop. I. LOVE. OWLS. I don't know why I did not do my son's nursery in owls. Probably because the only thing my husband seemed to have a preference on was the nursery theme, and he so desperately wanted a jungle theme. So I caved (ugh). I love all the detail. I love that there is more than one pattern, and they don't match, but they flow (does that make sense?)…like the rug, the wall, the changing pad covers…it all works so well! I love it. I'll be pinning this for sure!
I found your blog through iHeartOrganizing and I'm loving looking around!! This nursery is precious! I actually have this exact rug in my "cart" right now, but haven't made the "buy" plunge yet. 🙂 I read that it sheds really badly – have you experienced that? Is it enough not to buy it? Thanks!!