Recently, a reader (eek-I’ve never been able to say that before!) asked about the typography-style prints I have sprinkled throughout my Dining Room. It occurred to me that way back when I posted my Dining Room reveal, I promised to do a post about how I made my artwork…and I never did! So…I figured while I have a bunch of projects in various stages of completion, I would go ahead and fulfill that promise!

When we moved into this house with it’s cavernous “Great Room” (that’s what the floor plan really calls it!), I was really lost about what to put on my blank walls! We were not going to paint because we were going to be here for less than a year…but I can’t handle blank white walls.

In various magazines, I had seen some neat abstract-style artwork that I thought would work perfectly! For hours, I scoured Etsy trying to find the perfect prints, with the perfect sayings, in the right colors for the right price. A really tall order!!  I had a shopping cart “filled” to the brim with all sorts of prints I was going to order; but literally, as I was about to hit “Place My Order,” it occurred to me that I could make my very own typography-style prints with my digital scrapbooking software…My Design Studio by Stampin’ Up!

After pursuing online for some inspiration, I delved into the wide selection of image files offered through MDS and found these to be abstract and big enough for wall art:

Simply by playing with colors, layering the images, and multiplying the images…I could come up with some really neat prints! None of these are all that fancy of designs…the images and colors do all the hard work…but boy, do they have an impact!

I also found some background papers from MDS that matched my room scheme:

Using the “text” function of the software, I could make prints that said MY favorite sayings…not just sayings I could find for sale!  Using the background papers, a few more images, and words…I came up with these!

Inspired by prints as seen on Etsy
Famous military family saying
A daily reminder to love where we live…no matter where it is!
My all-time favorite saying!

I actually sent my prints off to Stampin’Up to get them printed (since I don’t have a 12×12 printer)…but I have since learned that I can print these images on photo paper and the quality turns out really great…this makes this project a true DIY option!

Once I had my printed images in hand…I headed to Michael’s with a bunch of 40% off coupons in hand and purchased a wide array of black frames. I played around for a while with sizes and layouts until I found something that worked!

In the end, I had really fun, really personalized, and really cheep artwork for our new Dining Room!

By the way…I am not a Stampin’Up demonstrator or paid by SU to write this post…I just love their MDS program!

Have a great day!

I am linking this post to:

The 36th Avenue

See You Soon!